Today's work session went pretty well I think. I got some work done on the presentation and started talking a bit more about why dogs are color blind. Nancy and I added Jazzy Pants to our group, we did this because he had the same question as us and it only makes sense to join forces. There wasn't really anything that I thought went wrong. I thought that it was a pretty good session and got some information. Also, after school, Jazzy pants, Nancy Drew and myself had a chance to talk to a dog expert about our GH question "Why are dogs color blind?". It was so much fun having the opportunity to interview her. She has been working with dogs for 22 years and has given us some great information. Thank you Mrs. Middleton and Jona! I can hardly wait for the GH session! I will be researching and taking notes. Maybe even starting to put some information on the presentation. 

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    December 2013

