“YAY, YAY, YAY ,YAY” I cheered as I zoomed down the stairs in a blink of an eye. “I GET TO GO TO CASTLE FUN PARK!” I was so  excited that I forgot to bring my backpack! So we had to go back and get my purse looking thing because I noticed that I didn’t need a backpack. When we got to the school we didn’t leave quite yet. First we had to play with our little buddies. Mine wasn’t at school so I played scrabble on the ipads, with my friend Mia. The whole game I was trying to hold in my excitement. Then as fast as I could say Mississippi it was time to clean up! Now normally I didn;t like cleaning up but then I was SUPER pumped.  After cleanup we got told who we were driving with. I was driving with my bff’s Nancy drew, Betty cooper and Holly Hills. As we hopped into the van I think that now my excitement was showing and so was my friends excitement. It was a pretty long car ride (considering we missed the exit). As soon as we got there one of the teachers were saying what you can do, the rules and stuff like that. As soon as we finished we went to the mini game section until it was 11:00 o’clock. At 11 we got in line for the go karts. At first I was super scared, especially as we got closer and closer. As I sat down and put my helmet on, my nervousness turned into excitement! The whole way through I had a HUGE smile on my face. You have no clue how fun it was driving an actual moving thing! After the go carts we sat down and had pizza and pop. next we went to the photo booth and took photos of the 6 of us: Nancy, Betty, Holly, Tweety, Lauren and I. When we were done we rushed to the soccer thing where you kick soccer balls at targets. Then we refiled are tickets and went mini golfing in the “jungle”. It was dark and kind of scary! Nancy was almost crying! As we started on the next hole there was an announcement that our school had to go to the tiki room. So we all ran through every course until the last one were we rolled are golf balls into this hole where they disappeared. As we reached the tiki room with a crowd we were being counted. As she finished we got sent off back home. Castle fun park was fun! You should go someday!

12/11/2012 03:21:26 pm

That sounds like so much fun! What was score on mini golf?

Mrs. Middleton
12/13/2012 01:21:01 am

Oh the go-carts, this is always a favorite event. It is especially exciting when you have never driven one before. My sons always beat me when we go on. I have to say that the mini golf is my favorite and then the bumper cars. Glad to hear you and your friends had such a great day.


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