
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Christmas is just around the corner. My family is about to bounce off the roof!
Christmas at my house might be just like yours. Others it might not. My family is pretty big on presents. Last year, we had Christmas at my Nana and Papa’s house. The tree was so stuffed with presents, I thought that there would be no room to walk into the living room. We set up this little train under the tree. The train would go around all the presents. On Christmas morning I was excited to look into my stocking. But lets be honest. I was more excited to open up all my presents!
On Christmas eve, We take turns reading one page of “The night before Christmas”. After that My sister and I go outside. We sprinkle this little shiny rainbow reindeer food. We spread it on our lawn so the reindeer know where to land. We leave cookies, milk and carrots. (Carrots for the reindeer). Then we go to bed. When we go to bed I can barely think  straight. My brain goes crazy! Thinking about all these gifts and what they are. Since sleeping is your brain shutting down, I can’t go to sleep because it’s so active. The rule at my house is that we can’t go downstairs without any parents or siblings. The first thing I always do is look into my stalking. That is before I dump it on the ground. After my sister and I look into our stockings, we start with the presents. My dad hands them out and we just tear it open. Then we always go over to our grandma and grandpa’s house. My aunt, uncle and three cousins meet us there. At there house we have a big turkey dinner. After we eat we all open more presents.
What do you do for your Christmas?

Mrs. Kirr
12/17/2012 11:13:39 pm

It's so neat to hear about traditions! One thing we did growing up was sing Happy Birthday to Jesus after midnight (well, really 10:00 now) mass on Christmas Eve. Then we'd get to open one present before heading off to bed. It's always difficult to sleep on Christmas Eve, no matter how old you get!

Judy Moody
12/19/2012 11:58:09 am

Hi Mrs. Kirr. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I love your Christmas tradition. That is so neat how you sing happy birthday to Jesus. I like how you open your gifts before you go to bed. I was just wondering how long this tradition was going on in your family? Thank you again.

From, Judy moody


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