
“She shoots The ball is slowly making it’s way into the net and and and......... Its in!!!!!!!!! GOAL for Chaos which now makes the final score 6-1!” Want to read more? What kind of a question is that? Of corse you do! who wouldn’t? So I guess ill start in the morning! I woke up to the screaming of my sister, mother and father “ GET UP” but of corse I don’t get up, it was sunday no one wants to get up at the crack of stupid just to go out in the freezing cold and play a soccer game, it was so cold outside that you could see that little cloud and you know right away that it’s soccer season! As we were in the car I thought that I was going to fall asleep, I was as tired as a person that hasn’t gotton sleep in 200 decades! as we aprouched the soccer field I was excited and then posetive that we would beet this team and boy did we ever!!! As the team started to show up for a warmup before the game I lost a bit of confedince because of my teamates faces looked extreamly tired and they where walking like zombies waking up from the dead! Then before we know.... “TWEET” the wistle blew so we huddle up and screamed on the tipity top of our lungs “1-2-3 CHAOS!” and we all scerried onto the feild, I ran into my useale position goalie. As the wistle blew and the first touch on the ball was made we were more awake then I thought we were and somehow maneged to get 4 lucky goals in the back of the net in  the first half ; then the wistle blew and that was the end of the first half of this game and the score was 4-0 for us!!! As we were eating ornges at halftime my coach said 1 sentance that I was so surprised to hear (consittering that I am a fulltime goalie); and thoughs words were “Judy take your goalie stuff off your going to be up in forward scoreing goals” It was AMAZING! It was so fun! I never scoared a goal but it was fun being out of the net. There was 20 secounds left and we were winning 6-0 and then the referee had the whistle in his mouth all ready to blow then the back up goalie on our team let one silly goal in just because she thought the whistle blew! So pasicly we won 6-0 but we won 6-1. We still won and we had fun! If you play a sport then good luck and remember that it doesn’t matter if you win or loose just have fun!!

Jazzy Pants
11/5/2012 01:13:04 am

I also play sports I like the part were you said I never thought my couch would say Judy take your goalie stuff off you're going to be playing forward scoring some goals. I know what you mean by it was so cold out side it looked like small clouds.

Judy Moody (website owner)
11/5/2012 10:40:39 am

Thx so very much for the comment jazzy pants! I am just wondering what sport and position you play? Thx again

11/13/2012 08:06:53 am

Judy I love how much detail and description you have in your journal entry. I also love how you put in the dialogue like how you put in I woke up to the screaming of my sister, mother and father “ GET UP”.

Judy moody (website owner)
11/14/2012 12:47:29 pm

Thank you parknom! I truly enjoy your compliment. Do you play or did you use to play any sports?


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